Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Some tips to prepare an Australian Shepherd for a special event

I will give in this article some hints that I use to prepare one of my dogs for a special occasion like a dog show or a visit to children.

The brushes and combs are essential for the removal of the sub-hair and release the fur.

These are the 2 scissors that I use to trim the hair and keep it strait. Both scissors and combs must be careful handled to not hurt the dog.The best way to train a dog is to praise and reward a lot and the experience will be good for both dog and owner.


Personally I like to give bath in the bathtub with warm water.

If I am in the summer I first use bug shampoo, then normal shampoo, and finally soft conditioner.

In winter I only use normal shampoo and soft conditioner.

The most important is to pass a lot of water to clean all shampoo and conditioner traces.


After drying well with the towel dry well with drier.

The Aussies are dry brushing horizontally back and the Goldens are dry brushing vertically down.

There are some products on the market that give brightness / smell to the hair. I apply this before to be well dried and then I finish drying.


The ears I choose to trim inside cutting the long hair, around to get I neat look and behind to bee neat with the collar.

The paws I trim the hair in the middle of the cushions, around toes and behind until the finger that is on the top.

This picture is the usual fan shape that I push and trim behind the front paw.

The back paw I trim to be strait.

The tail is not usual in Aussies, so I choose to do like in Goldens leaving a nice fan shape.

In the back, middle of legs, beneath I push and trim the hair to be round without points.

In the end we have a nice looking dog.

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